Backup Notability on an Ipad

On the Notability home screen select the cog on the top right of the screen.

Select Google Drive if it has not already been selected. You may be prompted for your Google account and credentials.   We recommend you use your isd192 account which for students is the first three letters of the first name and the first three of their last and a number followed by     (  Select close.

Your iPad will back up to your Google drive.  On the bottom left of the screen you will see it backing up.  It will back up automatically from now on.


The tradeoffs of the file formats available when backing up Notability to Google Drive:

Backing up using the .Note format will allow edits to the document in the future, but the notes will be impossible to read except on an iPad or Mac with Notability. Backing up using .pdf format will allow you to read the notes on any device, but future editing of the note’s existing content will be impossible in Notability.



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  • 0
    Anderson, Karen

    Thanks to Bill T for the additional info!

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