Proloquo2go - How to set up backups to Google Drive 4/2017

Backups done in Proloquo2go create a folder called “Proloquo2go” in Google Drive, and will all be stored in there, just like any other file.

It can be any Google drive.  It does not have to be a district one. 


How to log in & backup to Google Drive – in Proloquo2go –

  1. This will turn on auto backups. It only needs to be done once, then backups are automatic.
  2. OPTIONS – BACK UP – GOOGLE DRIVE – turn it on:
  3. Log in to user's Google drive if it is not already done.  Select ALLOW when requested.

See the link below for a good video.


More info on how to email those files.  Since the files created are just files, this tutorial is how to email them to other users (they must also have Google Drives)






You can turn off the Dropbox & the Icloud backup options as these will not be needed.


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